Caringo Search

Everyone and everything is creating data—lots of data—faster than at any time in history. Organizations of every size have figured out that continuously mining this data can lead to a distinct competitive advantage. But it’s more than that. It’s about understanding customers better, providing them with more targeted services, and ultimately, improving lives. But how do you gain actionable insight from this data when you have millions—or even billions—of files? And how do you keep up with the relentless flow of data from different sources, while providing access to this information across different applications? With today’s constantly increasing capacities and file counts, it’s impossible to quickly move or import data into different tools that promise to solve these issues. Enter searchable metadata and collections from Caringo Swarm. Metadata is what turns unstructured data into actionable information, setting the stage for extracting value and relationships from seemingly unrelated files. In fact, Swarm is the only object storage solution to store metadata with its data. That invaluable combination provides you with data that is both self-describing and portable. As for collections in Swarm, they dynamically leverage metadata, going beyond search so you can find a needle in a very large, ever-changing haystack. Collections also save searches and queries that are instantly updated every time you access them so they continuously evolve with your data. Swarm attacks complexity and, in turn, eliminates legacy technologies, leading to reduced TCO, fewer moving parts and faster actionable results. What’s more, your data and the relationships between data sets are continuously protected, searchable, and directly accessible from any application or device. Simplified management. Bulletproof protection. Limitless scalability.