Cisco TS Advantage

Hi, I’m Debbie McClure, Senior Director of Sales for Global Service Providers and Software.I’ve been personally involvedcustomers. While deal sizes can range from fifty K to multiple millions of dollars, today I’m going to talk to you about a large win at Nippon Telegraph and Telephone.

NTT is a Japanesehigh-speed network based on virtualized services using a Software Defined Network architecture. The migration path to this new digital architecture would take three years, and the Cisco team recognized there was a risk that NTT might buy a competitive hardware platform. We showed a plan that would dramatically reduce the risk of the migration, while saving them millions of dollars. NTT’s capital investment cycle required a three-year migration. This meant that some of their legacy Cisco equipment would be in production beyond the announced last date of support. This was addressed by Migration Support Services, which enabled a smooth transition while maintaining services for LDoS products. TS Advantage enabled NTT to getmigration path that virtually eliminated the risk of using Cisco gear beyond LDoS.