WildPackets Explainer Video

Network issues are the bane of your existence. And you pride yourself on fixing them as quickly as they rear their ugly little heads. That is, as long as you know that they’re there and know where they’re emanating from. However, with networks growing in capacity and speed at mind-boggling rates…and with global network traffic on the rise… your current analysis tools may not be up to the task. And if they’re not, you’ll be adding the job of detective to your already long list of jobs to try and track down those pesky culprits. That’s a lot of extra work that could drag on for quite a while. And the longer you’re on the case, the longer your business operations will be disrupted. Clearly, that downtime can add up big-time — and not just in hours. 


If you’re not too wild about that, you may want to consider WildPackets. An award-winning integrated hardware and software solution, WildPackets will not only alert you to problems as they happen…but pinpoint their location so you can solve them immediately.And there’s no blazing fast wired or wireless network that WildPackets can’t tame. 


It all starts with OmniPeek, the all-seeing, all-knowing network and application performance monitoring software.Real-time visibility into every facet of your network – whether an individual location or worldwide operation – is delivered simultaneously from a single interface. Next up is state-of-the-art forensics. Data can be recorded on even the speediest networks thanks to sustained capture rates of up to 25Gb per second. Think of it as your own private detective that can uncover key network performance indicators to help you crack any mystery.  What’s more, you’ll be equipped for major league troubleshooting with true root-cause analysis. OmniPeek’s top-down approach lets you dive deeply into network data – right down to the packets, if need be – so you can make the spot-on correction. In the final analysis, your legacy analysis tools may be forcing you to engage in unnecessary legwork, leading to wasted time and money. Go with WildPackets, the integrated solution that does it all. Real-time visibility. Real in-depth actionable analytics. Real fast capture. Real insightful forensics. Find out more at wildpackets.comAnd while you’re there, take a spin around the network analysis block with a free 30-day OmniPeek evaluation.