Zingbox Explainer

Every day, your company’s IT department, facilities or operational team, or business units bring different types of IoT devices into the enterprise. Is any team managing or securing them? If your answer is NO, you are not alone. Factories, offices, hospitals, and cities worldwide face the same challenges. The unpleasant fact is, more than half of enterprise assets are not managed today.  That leads to under-utilization, over-spending, and a network that is vulnerable to cyberattacks. Not to mention “Compliance Anxiety”. IoT is about innovation and transformation, but concerns like these get in the way. An unmanaged IoT asset becomes a liability. Under-utilization leads to poor capital planning and low ROI. Cyber-attacks can cost millions in dollars and trust. And untapped IoT data is a missed opportunity. It’s time to take command of all your IoT assets.

Introducing Zingbox IoT Command Center, the industry’s only IoT lifecycle management solution. The MOST comprehensive way to orchestrate and automate  the IoT lifecycle, With PATENTED Artificial Intelligence algorithms applied to Petabytes of data every day. And the BEST way to extend IT best practices to IoT, for better integration and higher quality. Whether it’s Device Discovery, Onboarding, Security, Business optimization, Ongoing management, or even Upgrades and Retirement Zingbox IoT Command Center delivers. All in a cloud-based solution that is non-intrusive, agentless, and out-of-band. Join thousands of customer deployments in choosing Zingbox IoT Command Center To  provide Trust in your devices, their services, and their business impact. Welcome to Zingbox IoT Command Center –the Internet of Trusted, Managed, and Optimized Things.